Anxiety! Two years have passed and only one year left. Will we accomplish all that we are suppose to?
We talked with the Taylors last night who are friends from Colorado and they will begin their mission tomorrow in Rancho Cucamunga, California. I laughed when Mary said as they left the MTC yesterday she felt they were leaving the Garden of Eden. They shared with us what Pres. Uchtdorf had said regarding being an eagle. You're pushed out of the nest and expected to fly. It happens. Being a mission president and wife is not something we can explain; it is what it is. We have learned to trust the Lord and we pray a lot! It is a daunting thought knowing the responsibility that has been given to us. We have wonderful missionaries and just want to help them be the best they can. It's more than finding the elect, teaching repentance, and baptizing converts. These elders and sisters/hermanas are laying foundations for their lives. So many times we will say what we're talking about is not just for now (here in the mission) but for life.
We feel so very blessed to be having this opportunity. We still ask ourselves, how did we get to be here?
To celebrate our two year mark, we chose to wear the same dress and tie that we were wearing when we arrived in the mission. We also had dinner at Panera where the Castros took us for lunch.