Friday, August 5, 2016

Catch up

 Elder Powell went home a week early because our transfer dates were set back a week and his family had not received that information soon enough to change the wedding date of his sister.  He was given permission to go early.  We spent the evening with him and then took him to the assistants' apartment to spend the night.  This was the same week we worked on transfers.  Elder Weiss would be the new assistant and was "brought in" to work on the transfer train so that he would have some experience with it for next transfer.
The assistants did some decorating in honor of our visit.

I put together a recipe book a year and a half ago for the missionaries with submissions from them.  The assistants set them out for me to see and also a copy of the newsletter.  Of course, this was all staged and gave us a good chuckle.

Elder Gibb snapped a selfie of him and Elder Kuepper.
Getting ready to  ride along the beach trail.

We asked the FM Group to plant some flowers.  After a few days we noticed they were dying.  The landscapers had not turned on the sprinklers.  We were grateful the flowers survived.

This aloe vera plant has grown so much in two years.  It bloomed a couple of weeks ago.
Sister Israelsen asked if I would wear my pink jacket and dot skirt to her interview and she would wear the same so we could have a picture taken.
We were at the office on Monday and Hermana Wiles and Hermana Hirst were there to email.  We all had coral sweaters on so had to take a picture.

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