Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Broken In"

 I came home from the mission office today to add the sauce to the pork in the crock pot.  Trying to be on top of things for next week.  The plan is to warm up the meat on Tuesday for the departing missionaries.  When I drove into the garage I thought it was strange that the side entry garage door was open.  I went to look at it and realized that the lock had been broken. I then realized Dell's bike was gone and sliding closet doors were open.  I knew we had been burglarized.  My heart was pounding.  I called Dell (which I didn't want to because he was working with the Assistants on transfers) and told him what had happened.  He told me he was coming home.  I went in the house and saw that cupboards were left open and drawers were also. I called 911 and was told to get out of the house that police would come.  The dispatcher wanted to keep me on the phone.  It probably took 10 minutes before one arrived and then another.  They asked me to stay outside while they checked out the house.  Dell got home as the police were entering the house.  I told him what had happened and while talking a policeman came out on the deck.  He was pointing a gun. I was pretty confident that the robbers had left.  
I first went into the bedroom where all of the cupboards were open and Dell's side of the closet was open.  ALL of my earrings and some of my necklaces in the cupboard were taken.  I have necklaces hanging on the wall on the hooks,  one hook of necklaces was taken.  
This is in President's office.  His laptop was taken from there.  They opened drawers even in the kitchen.  They opened my sewing machine cover and cricut but did not take them.  Dell's razor was taken,  both our phones with cords (I am so bugged as my phone had my contacts and pass words), his temple bag (the clothes were dumped out and I think they used the bag to put my jewelry in). They even dumped out the contents of the 72 hour kit; the TV and computer were left and fortunately Dad's mess.   I am sure we will find more things. Whoever did this went through the whole house and opened drawers.  We are grateful the drawers were not dumped out.
A security system was installed between the Castros moving out for 4 weeks and us moving in. It hasn't worked.  A few weeks ago I was feeling uneasy and wanted the alarm on. We couldn't do it so the FM mechanic came and checked it out and said they would get the security people over.  Guess what -- it's happening tomorrow. 
We will survive,  but it's an inconvenience.  I need to be working on my talk, not documenting what was stolen. As time goes by, I find I get more upset.  There are pictures of Christ throughout the house.  What were they thinking?!
The weather is still great at 75° - need to be positive.!


  1. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. That is scary and very annoying.

  2. Exactly! What were they thinking? They must have been too full of something wrong, to 'see' who was watching!

  3. I am so glad you are okay! I can't believe all you have been through. If you can think of anything you need replaced from here, let us know. It makes me so mad! Oh, and maybe you and Dell should rededicated the house. What a thoughtless act. I am glad you have a good attitude, it's just stuff...the people are safe. So I will say a prayer for you guys tonight. Luckily now the police and the Lord, both know where you live! All our prayers are with you! Love, the McMaster Family & the ward family too!
