Santa Barbara airport
About 5 minutes from the airport we had lunch. The missionaries were hungry. Unfortunately only 11 missionaries made it for lunch.
President Uchtdorf shares an analogy of commitment and diving in the water. Two brothers stood on top of a small cliff that overlooked a lake. It was a popular diving spot. The brothers often talked about making the jump. Although they wanted to make the jump, neither one wanted to be the first. Whenever they started to lean forward, their courage left. One brother put one foot at the edge of the cliff and moved forward. Just then his brother whispered, "Maybe we should wait until next summer." The momentum of the first brother was already pulling him forward. "Brother," he responded, "I'm committed!" He splashed into the water and then the other brother followed.
Commitment is a little like diving into the water. Either you are committed or you are not. There's no halfway.
We are anxiously engaged and fully committed in the Great California Ventura Mission and have both feet in. Each missionary committed to having "both feet in" by jumping off the ledge.
The remaining 9 Elders were still waiting in the Salt Lake airport when we were doing lunch and "the experience." The original flight was cancelled. We drove the van back to the airport to pick the rest up at 9:40 pm. We didn't get back to the mission home until after 11:00. President did a quick interview. Those that were hungry ate. It was a short night as breakfast was served at 6:45 so we could get to the Stake Center at 7:30.
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