Friday, May 15, 2015


Today is an anniversary of living.  So much has happened in a year.  Dell is alive!  He’s doing well.  He rides his bike about 5 times a week.  The one thing that is different is he has to take meds every night; but hey, that’s not hard.  I do not like to think about the details of a year ago.  In fact I do not dwell on them.  I know the Lord orchestrated Dell’s survival.  I say it changed his heart physically and mine spiritually.  We both had a change of heart.  I put behind the fears of questioning could I do what was needed for the missionaries.  We are suppose to be here in the Great California Ventura Mission.  I am learning to trust in the Lord.  He’s in charge!  I am so grateful for my testimony of the truthfulness of the 
Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are so BLESSED!
This was left at the front door.  It says:
"This is the only kind of heart attack that you should be getting.  We are so grateful to you and all that you do for us.  Not only this but many more instances confirm to us that you are supposed to be here at this time.  Thank you so much.  We feel your love from a heart that purely beats for others.  We love you!  Sister Nicholas and Sister Hiapo."

We feel so much love from the missionaries.  We do not talk about Dell’s heart attack but the missionaries remembered our experience.  We will be talking today at zone activity in Ventura regarding listening and following the Spirit.  I will probably say something about how Dell had a feeling and did not ignore it.  This morning in our prayer before going for a short ride he expressed gratitude for the restoration of his life.  We are both grateful!  I am having a hard time expressing in words.  I love him with all my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Dad sure does have a heart that purely beats for others! I love that and love you guys!
