Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Floyds

Yea, the Floyds are here!  They rang our doorbell at 5:30 Saturday evening.  Just in time for dinner as we had planned for the Senior couples in the office to come over for dinner so they could meet the Floyds.  It was so wonderful to hug them both (yes both of them).  We will be more missionary like from now on though as opposite genders should not be hugging.  We have a great love for them and we are so grateful they've been called to serve with us in this mission.
This picture was taken on our deck Saturday evening.
Sunday we took them to two sacrament meetings.  We stopped off at the mission office to show them around and they met the Assistants as they were there prior to attending the YSA ward in the same building.
Sunday afternoon we drove to where we do a little experience with the new missionaries as they arrive here.  The Floyds even jumped off the step to signify they have both feet in.
Yesterday they were in the office all day having some training.  We got some dinner together afterwards before they moved into the studio apartment that they will be living in until the Miles leave on June 2.  They will then live in a cute town home.  I think it was good for them to decompress a bit after a long day before moving their things into the apartment.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! They look excited and ready to work. I love that they're holding hands while they put both feet in. No companion issues there.
